Registered on Prospero – (search guadagno)
Also see OSF Registrations:
Gender Inequity in Children’s Surgical Care in Central and South Asia
Dunya Moghul, Nadia Babaa, Sacha Williams, Elena Guadagno, Sherif Emil, Dan Poenaru, Maeve Trudeau
Prospero #:CRD42024565728 (2024)
Child and proxy-reported measures in pediatric surgery: a systematic review
Zanib Nafees, Siena O’Neill, Alexandra Dimmer, Elena Guadagno, Julia Ferreira, Dan Poenaru
Prospero #:CRD42024539515 (2024)
Intersectionality in Global Surgical Care: A Systematic Review
Ayla Rangel, Shreenik Kundu, Justina Seyi-Olajide, Elena Guadagno, Dan Poenaru
Prospero #:CRD42024506117 (2024)
The Effectiveness of Virtual Reality for Non-Technical Skills Training – A Systematic Review
Shreenik Kundu, Ayla Gerk Rangel, Dan Poenaru, Elena Guadagno, Fabio Botelho, Sara Marier
Prospero #:CRD42023482761 (2023)
The Impact of Virtual Reality for Healthcare Education in Low and Lower-Middle Income Countries
Shreenik Kundu, Dan Poenaru, Elena Guadagno, Fabio Botelho, Riya Sawhney, Boaz Laor
Prospero #:CRD42023477034 (2023)
The Impact of Gender on Pediatric Surgical Care in Africa
Sacha Williams, Elena Guadagno, Maeve Trudeau, Dan Poenaru
Prospero #:CRD42023395021 (2023)
A systematic review of the available risk stratification schemes for pediatric appendicitis
Sherif Emil, Maeve O’Neill Trudeau, Elena Guadagno, Alexandra Dimmer, Mahshid Mortazavi
Prospero #:CRD42023395000 (2023)
Influence of hearing loss type on the quality of life benefits of bone anchored hearing implants in adult and pediatric populations: a systematic review
Karina Théorêt, Jiahao Deng, Edwina Khneisser, Sabrina Wurzba, Elena Guadagno, Sam Daniel
Prospero #:CRD42022367259 (2022)
Patient-reported experience measures in Pediatric Surgery – A Systematic Review
Julia Ferreira, Dan Poenaru, Elena Guadagno, Prachikumari Patel, Sherif Emil
Prospero #:CRD42022324146 (2022)
Use of machine learning in pediatric clinical prediction tools: a systematic review
Zoe Atsaidis, Dan Poenaru, Elena Guadagno
Prospero #:CRD42020206530 (2020)
Understanding Effective Consent Processes and Conversations in Pediatric Surgery
Zoe Atsaidis, Dan Poenaru, Elena Guadagno
Prospero #:CRD42020206530 (2020)
Systematic review of family communication preferences in pediatric surgery
Arthega Selvarajan, Brandon Arulanandam, Dan Poenaru, Elena Guadagno
Prospero #:CRD42020196116 (2020)
The Evolution of Global Surgery: A Systematic Review
Anudari Zorigtbaatar, Sarah Chibane, Dan Poenaru, Elena Guadagno
Prospero #:CRD42020128002 (2020)
Pediatric Trauma Training in LMICs – A systematic review
Minahil Khan, Laura Pinkham, Fabio Botelho, Elena Guadagno, Dan Poenaru
Prospero #:CRD42020189755 (2020)
Technology and Virtual Reality in Trauma Training
Laura Pinkham, Fabio Botelho, Elena Guadagno, Dan Poenaru, Minahil Khan
Prospero #:CRD42020189765 (2020)
Screening methods for congenital anomalies in neonates in low and lower-middle-income countries
Xiya Ma, Justina Seyi-olajide, Elena Guadagno, Dan Poenaru
Prospero #:CRD42020192051 (2020)
A systematic review of patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) use in children’s surgery
Marianne Plourde, Kacper Niburski, Dan Poenaru, Elena Guadagno
Prospero #:CRD42020181562 (2020)
Predictors of outcome patterns in infants diagnosed with fetal ovarian cysts: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Nadia Safa, Elena Guadagno, Pramod Puligandla, Sherif Emil, Maida Sewitch, Cassandra Poirier
Prospero #:CRD42019125172 (2019)
Assessing trauma care health systems in Low and Middle Income Countries, a protocol for a systematic literature review and narrative synthesis
John Whitaker, Nollaig O’Donohoe, Max Denning, Dan Poenaru, Elena Guadagno, Andy Leather, Justine Davies
Prospero #:CRD42018112990 (2018)
Use of mobile health for pediatric surgical conditions: a systematic review
Nam Nguyen, Étienne Léveillé, Elena Guadagno, Luc Malemo, Dan Poenaru
Prospero #:CRD42018111205 (2018)
A systematic review of patient-centered surgical decision-making in surgery
Kacper Niburski, Dan Poenaru, Elena Guadagno, Sadaf Mohtashami
Prospero #:CRD42018097286 (2018)
Reducing data burden in low- and middle-income countries to improve perioperative mortality data collection: a multisectoral systematic review
Kathryn LaRusso, David-Dan Nguyen, Elena Guadagno, Dan Poenaru, David Chang
Prospero #:CRD42018106253 (2018)
Head and neck cancer in LMICs: a systematic review exploring delays to presentation, referral, and treatment
Pier-Luc Beaudoin, Elena Guadagno, Dan Poenaru, Sonia Anchouche, Rouan Gaffar
Prospero #:CRD42018092448 (2018)
The clinical impact of routine monitoring of anti-epileptic drug levels in patients with epilepsy: a systematic review
Zanab Al-Roubaie, Ingrid Freije, Kenneth Myers, Elena Guadagno
Prospero #:CRD42018089925 (2018)
Living donor education in kidney transplantation
Shaifali Sandal, Ahsan Alam, Nandini Dendukuri, Elena Guadagno, Ian Schiller
Prospero #:CRD42018053370 (2018)
Do women from different races differ in their outcomes after an acute myocardial infarction?
Sabin Filimon, Hanh Nguyen, Thao Huynh, Elena Guadagno
Prospero #:CRD42018085024 (2018)
Post-operative negative outcome severity-grading systematic review
Saba Balvardi, Etienne St-Louis, Yasmine Yousef, Asra Toobaie, Robert Baird, Dan Poenaru
Prospero #:CRD42017058650 (2017)
Gastrocutaneous fistulae in children: a systematic review of epidemiology and treatment options
Etienne St-Louis, Nadia Safa, Elena Guadagno, Robert Baird
Prospero #:CRD42017059565 (2017)
Systematic review of mild hypothermia (TTM: 34-35 degrees C) versus normothermia (TTM: 36-38 degrees C) for the medical management of potential organ donors declared dead according to neurologic criteria
Laura Hornby, Karim Soliman, Elena Guadagno, Sam Shemie
Prospero #:CRD42017071452 (2017)
A systematic review of vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone, ADH) versus other antidiuretic drugs (desmopressin acetate, deamino-delta-D-arginine vasopressin, and DDAVP) for the medical management of potential organ donors declared dead according to neurologic criteria
Laura Hornby, Karim Soliman, Elena Guadagno, Sam Shemie
Prospero #:CRD42017071457 (2017)
Low-cost alternatives to total parenteral nutrition in the surgical newborn: a systematic review
Edmond Ntaganda, Kathryn Larusso, Sherif Emil, Elena Guadagno, Jean-Martin Laberge, Dan Poenaru
Prospero #:CRD42017080644 (2017)
Global Assessment in Pediatric Surgery (GAPS) Phase I: a systematic review of quality indicator tools for pediatric surgery
Yasmine Yousef, Etienne St-Louis, Emily Smith, Robert Baird, Elena Guadagno, Dickens St-Vil, Dan Poenaru
Prospero #:CRD42016042069 (2016)
Loop versus divided colostomy for the management of anorectal malformation: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Robert Baird, Fouad Youssef, Ghaidaa Arbash
Prospero #:CRD42016036481 (2016)
Flap versus fascial closure techniques to close the abdominal defect in infants with gastroschisis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Robert Baird, Fouad Youssef, Andrew Gorgy, Ghaidaa Arbash
Prospero #: CRD42015016745 (2015)
Extracorporeal resuscitation for refractory out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in adults: a systematic review of international practices and outcomes
Ivan Ortega-Deballon, Laura Hornby, Sam D. Shemie, Farhan Bhanji, Elena Guadagno
Prospero #: CRD42014015259 (2014)
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